Corporate Aviation
Preflight Mitigator recognizes immediate and trending risks, that aid in facilitating in the development of new policies and procedures. The data provides tangible information which fosters dicussions with necessary parties to mitigate flight risks.
"Not only does Preflight Mitigator allow us to recognize an accumulation of risks, but the data informs conversations with company principles, allowing everyone the ability to contribute to mitigating risk factors on a particular flight or routine mission!"

Flight Training
Performing a flight risk assessment in a training environment provides benefits for both the student and instructing pilot. Preflight Mitigator identifies immediate and trending risks for the flight or lesson, while providing the instructor with necessary checklists, conversation points, and decision making skills to share with the student.
"Preflight Mitigator helps us assess the instructor as well as the student's risk level prior to dispatching their flight. The use of this FRAT allows individuals to create mitigation techniques that they can use in the future and aid with making a go — no-go decision."

Private Aviation
For the occasional flyer, Preflight Mitigator helps identify potential hazardous risks that might otherwise be overlooked. Risk reports can be automatically sent to a "mentor" pilot to encourage further counsel.
Personal aviators should also note that insurance companies look favorably upon clients who utilize a risk assessment tool, often resulting in additional savings on coverage!
"I fly my 170 somewhat infrequently and find the Preflight Mitigator risk assessment a great way to keep myself sharp and safe, monitoring the risk level of my trip."

Tourism, Utility, and Military
Whether your missions are routine or you are transitioning to a different culture of flight operations, Preflight Mitigator's risk assessment tool can help set markers and create procedures that recognize hidden hazards associated with complacency or new environments.

UAS (Drone) Aviation
The operation of unmanned aircraft systems will continue to evolve regarding the type of aircraft, pilot skill level, and regulations. The Preflight Mitigator risk tool is fully customizable to individual operators allowing it to adapt well within the growing use of commercial drone flying.